Let’s Go, Crimson Knight! (Genshin Impact - "Klee: Da-da da! ") Advanced Piano Arrangement

I finally finished this arrangment which a lot of you has been asking for it. It’s probably one of my favourite arrangement so far (especailly the second half of the song) Sheet Music: Difficulty: 3.5/5 (The difficulty is only rated according to my OWN arrangements so people can know it before they tried to learn it. I set my hardest arrangements as 5/5 and the easist as 1/5. It doesn’t represent the difficulty of average piano arrangements on Youtube.) Feel free to to the discord channels below 1. Genshin Impact Official 2. Ganyu Main ​ 3. The Gacha Hub If you liked me videos, please consider to subscribe and share with others to help the views of the video and the growth of the channel :) If you want to donate to support, you can buy me a coffee here. Much appreciated! #klee #g
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