Marc Martel - Electric Guitar Queen Montage

I’ll never forget my 13 or so years with my band Downhere. The friendships I made with my bandmates are lifelong, and it’s always a joy to see them again, to catch up whenever we can. The years we spent recording, traveling, and ministering together we’re full of music, growth, adventure, creativity, ups and downs, and change. Since Downhere shut things down around 2013, one of the things I’ve missed has been playing the electric guitar. If you can believe it, I was the primary guitarist in Downhere, which is difficult even for me to fathom now, having shared the stage with many mind-blowing virtuosos in more recent years. I’m a decent rhythm player, but solos seriously intimidate me, as my fingers just move too slowly to play anything impressive. I’ve really gone back to my first instrument, the piano, and have found that I absolutely love the freedom of not being tied to an instrument on stage most of the time. Not to mention, my piano playing has come up drastically, out of necessity. M
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