Anthropology - Lyra’s Song (WIP Rough Storyboard)

DESCRIPTION (UPDATED 12/30/2012) Done in Flash CS6 I noticed that this song is not accompanied by visuals. Well, now it is!... In rough storyboard form that is hehe... Hope you enjoy! Thanks to AwkwardMarina for giving me permission to post this up! EDIT (11/25/2012): Woahwoahwoah! What the hay!? This got EQD’d!? Wow.. 8O Thank you very much! As for if I’m gonna fully animate this.. I’m not sure. Perhaps in the near future, considering all the positive feedback this seems to be getting xD;; Once again, thank you! EDIT (11/27/2012): What. What. More than 20,000 views in less than a week. What. I didn’t expect this video to be THIS popular! Thank you very much! I’m really happy that you’re enjoying the video, considering it’s only a rough storyboard. 8DD EDIT (12/30/2012): 160,000 views. Wow. I have nothing to say but thank you. Also, my answers to some questions have changed a bit: Q: Are you going to animate this? A: That’s the big question, isn’t it? Well, due to how well received the storyboards are and my growing confidence in my animation abilities, I’m finally giving in and planning on animating my storyboards. When will it come out? I don’t know, but animation takes a lot of time and I want to make it good quality. Q: I can animate this for you if you want! A: Thank you for the offer, and I’m really flattered that you’re willing to offer your time to animate my storyboard. However, I’m currently in no need for help with animation, but if I do, I’ll definitely let you guys know. Also, (and this is more of a personal thing), if this storyboard were to be animated, I’d like to animate it myself in my own style. I know that sounds a bit selfish, but I’d like to see it completed the way I envisioned it, you know? Song and Music by: AwkwardMarina Storyboard by: Isaiahdjkim Based on the Fanfic by JasonTheHuman Original Song: My Little Pony (c) Hasbro
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