в 1950-х годах
in the 1950s
Екатерина Болдырева - “Утушка“
Ekaterina Boldyreva - Utushka
Kazan is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia and lies at the confluence of the Volga and Kazanka Rivers.
The city was founded over 1000 years ago as a border post between Volga Bulgaria and two Finnish tribes-Mari and Udmurt....
In the XIII - XIV centuries Kazan’s growth made the city an important trading and political centre of the Golden Horde . In 1438, the Bulgarian fortress Kazan was captured by the deposed Golden Horde khan Ulu-Muhamed , who killed the local prince of Lebed. The city became the capital of the Kazan Khanate . The production of leather, pottery, and weapons was developing. Kazan had trade relations with Moscow, Crimea, Turkey and other regions. A series of wars with the Moscow principality first forced Moscow to pay tribute to the Kazan Khanate, and eventually led to the capture of Kazan by the troops of Ivan the Terrible in 1552, followed by the destruction of most of the city and the relocation of Tatars to the marshy shores of Lake Kaban, laying the foundationOld-Tatar settlement of Kazan. After the final suppression of the uprisings in the Kazan region, the city began a new era in history - within the Russian empire
In 1556, the construction of a new, white-stone Kremlin began and at the turn of the 17th century, established the first printing house in Russia. In 1804 Kazan University was established making the city the educational and cultural centre of the Volga region....
Following the 1917 Revolution, Kazan faced fierce fighting during thew Civil War. This was followed by a period of intense industrialisation during the the 1930s with rapid population growth....
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