Although baldness is often thought of as a male issue, hair loss can affect anyone — regardless of their gender.
Genetics play a large role in determining how much hair loss you’ll see as you age. However, other factors — such as stress levels, nutrition, and medications — also cause balding.
Genetic hair loss can’t be reversed, but there are steps you can take to slow it down and maximize your hair growth potential.
In this article, I’m going to examine the genetics behind balding, dispel a common balding myth, and look at how you can slow hereditary hair loss.
The ‘balding gene’ explained
When hair loss is caused by your genetics, it occurs in a predictable pattern often referred to as male pattern baldness (MPB) or female pattern baldness (FPB).
For men, MPB starts as an m-shaped recession at the front of your scalp and often starts in your 20s or 30s. About 80 percentTrusted Source of men experience MPB by age 80.
Women often experience hair loss after menopause in the Ludwig pattern, which is a gradual recession along the part of your hair. Roughly halfTrusted Source of women will experience female pattern hair by the time they’re 80.
Androgenetic alopecia, the medical name for MPB and FPB, is the most common cause of hair loss.
Studies looking at twins estimate that genetics account for about 80 percentTrusted Source of male pattern baldness.
Male pattern baldness
You may have heard the myth that men inherit the gene for baldness solely from their mother’s father. Even though this isn’t always the case, there is some truth to it.
In reality, the genetic component of male pattern baldness still isn’t well understood, but it’s thought to be polygenicTrusted Source, meaning it involves more than one gene.
People have 23 pairs of chromosomes that contain their genetic information. Everything from your eye color to the length of your baby toe is coded for by these chromosomes.
One of these pairs of chromosomes, called the “X” and “Y” chromosomes, determine your biological sex. Women have two “X” chromosomes while men have one “X” and one “Y” chromosome.
Men inherit their “X” chromosome from their mother and “Y” from their father.
Baldness is strongly associate with the AR Trusted SourcegeneTrusted Sourcefound on the “X” chromosome. A large study looking at 12,806 men of European ancestry found that people with the gene had more than twice the riskTrusted Source of developing MPB than people without it.
However, this isn’t the only gene that determines whether you’ll go bald. A 2017 reviewTrusted Source found 63 genes that may play a role in male pattern baldness, with only six of them found on the “X” chromosome.
Research has also found that more than 80 percentTrusted Source of people experiencing noticeable balding had a father who also lost their hair.
Female pattern baldness
The genetic component of FPB is still widely unknownTrusted Source, but like with MPB, it’s thought to involve many different genes.
Genes that code for the production of an enzyme called aromataseTrusted Source convert testosterone to estradiol may play a role in FPB, and explain why many women lose their hair after menopause.
What else causes balding?
Along with genetics, a variety of other factors can contribute to hair loss in people of any gender. Women often notice hair loss following menopause due to hormonal changes whereas men often notice balding start in early adulthood.
How to slow hair loss
Hair loss caused by genetic factors is permanent and there’s little you can do to stop it. However, there are several ways it can be slowed down.
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