⚡️ I asked for a guitar and it started.! Great evening on the waterfront. Warm nights!

Street musicians are people who play instruments, sometimes without any musical education. They just play, but people like their games, they like them in their own way. People love music that makes them smile, dance, feel sad. This is one way of communication between people, this is communication through music. For musicians, street performances are not only a source of income and an opportunity to communicate with people. It is also an art in which you can express yourself and your individuality. Lyrics I walk along the avenue, through the night city I go because I have legs I can walk and therefore I go Go towards the colorful showcases Expensive limousines fly by In them, women rush with burning eyes Cold hearts, golden hair City-fairy tale, city-dream Getting into his network, you disappear forever Swallowing his cold air and drafts With the smell of gasoline and expensive perfume There are few stars in the sky, but it does not matter Here, almost every hou
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