Camino de Santiago Documentary Film - The Way (Inglés)

I did my Camino de Santiago Pilgrimage in April/May 2004. To be authentic, I walked the whole French Way; 34 days, 18 kg of gear, 764 km on foot. I lost 8 kg in weight! I had read a lot about the Camino being a spiritual experience, and I wanted to try and capture on film my own reactions as I walked the way. I find watching the film a little difficult, I feel a little embarrassed at just how earnest and honest I was trying to be. But the reaction from viewers has been amazing. Still, all these years lat ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ España e hispanistas - Клуб изучающих испанский язык и культуру ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
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