Liberation (1945)

Paris, France. Various shots of the street fights, American soldiers hiding behind building walls, trees, tanks and other vehicles etc. Various shots of the people on streets of Paris, ambulance driving along road. Various shots of tanks and army on streets, some civilians seen. Close up shot of newspaper headline ’Paris is Liberated’. More shots of the streets filled with army vehicles and troops. Various shots of civilians cheering and waving to liberators. Various shots of the troops advancing through streets, quite carefully. Various shots of nurses and civilians cheering the liberators. A girl climbs on top of tank and talks to British soldier. French girls chatting to soldiers. More shots of tanks and other vehicles driving through streets, streets still quite empty. Burning lorry on pavement. Various shots of civilians as they gather around tank. Soldier on tank throwing something to crowd - possibly cigarettes. More shots of the civilians crowding around tanks and lorries. Various shots
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