UK: VICTORY IS IN THE AIR How RAF bombers set out on raids. (1940)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit UK: VICTORY IS IN THE AIR How RAF bombers set out on raids at Yorkshire air base. Full Description: Linton-on-Ouse, Yorks, England: CU. Flag. GV. Aerodrome. LV. ’plane in shed being checked over. SV. ’plane being checked. CU. Mechanic working on ’plane. Pilots sitting outside in chairs reading papers ready to scramble. Pilots playing football/ Pilots climbing into planes and aircraft taking off ( *** REMAINDER OF STORY ON TAPE V656 *** ) SV. Officer walks in with message for C.O. (speaks). CU. C.O. orders 10 air-craft over ’phone. (see sound effects.) LV. Tractor pulling bombs. SV. Bombs on trailers. SV. men unloading bombs near ’plane. GV. interior, crews receiving dope etc. for flight. CU. Pointer & map. SV. pan. crew listening to officer. CU. Of Sergeant observer making notes. GV. crews mapping out course for flight. SV. crews mapping course. SV. crews ma
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