Heidegger: Being and Time

You can find Being and Time here Dada was the mirror image of the Vienna Circle; both were concerned with the claims of reason after the spiritual apocalypse of WWI. Dada and the Vienna Circle were spiritual inverses, intellectual bookends. Reason was diabolical or angelic, making perfect sense the ultimate achievement or the ultimate disgrace. Dada had a sense of humor, amoral and daft but sometimes amusing, while the logical positivists were unintentionally funny because after all their ponderous Wagnerian gestures about perfect linguistic precision, the permanent achievement of an ultimate Cartesian clarity, these intellectual Bismarcks who intended to unify science rather than Germany were blindsided. Those who wrote manifestoes for a “strong” unification of all the sciences and the derivation of all mathematics from logic got a pie in the face from the all too rigorous Godel and another from Heisenberg and his unruly electrons. This jellied their rigorous precision into a g
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