Battlefield 2042 G428 + Standard Rounds

Included some longer clips or less cutting in between to show the nothing or waiting that goes on between “action“. A lot of looking for spawn beacons. Anyways sit back and relax or leave this tab running in the background and enjoy the G428 asmr. The video was originally much longer but I cut it down some, yes that Discarded footage is of one life running between three objectives. Also a lot of great moments in the video showing how broken 3D spotting as well as reticle/passive spotting is. If players, “gamers“ can’t adapt to games without 3D spotting why even bother having soldiers or character models. Having only floating, bouncing 3D icons in red wouldn’t change much and they can even sell special effect cosmetics where sparkly or other weird stuff trails from your 3D icon like they have in cheap mini-golf games on Steam :) Upcoming changes to the G428 in update 6.2: The “and more broader changes to r
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