The national anthem of the Bakhetian empire “Grenadiers March“ (s. 2021)

The national anthem of the Bakhetian empire, “Grenadiers March“, was adopted as the official national anthem in 2021. “Grenadiers March“ is a traditional marching song of British, Australian and Canadian military units whose badge of identification features a grenade, the tune of which dates from the 17th century. Bakhetian empire also use this song. ——— In Bakhetia, it is traditionally sung without words. ——— The Empire of Bakhetia is a micronation in Eastern Europe, created by Amir Khairov on October 2020 as the Kingdom of Peace and Love Capital ― Akabad (Vasilyevo). The official languages are Russian and Tatar. The population is 36 (as of May 30, 2021). ——— More about Bakhetia: Me in VK: My group: Thanks for watching!
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