HEMI SYNC DELTA WAVES-360 Vision -Remote Viewing-MBSR Meditation

HEMI SYNC DELTA WAVES-360 Vision -Remote Viewing-MBSR Meditation Powerful 3 Hz DELTA WAVES. For the left ear and for the right ear Hz. Remote viewing is the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen subject, purportedly sensing with the mind. Typically a remote viewer is expected to give information about an object, event, person or location that is hidden from physical view and separated at some distance. Remote viewing is set of related protocols that allow a viewer to intuitively gather information regarding a specific target that is hidden from physical view and separated from the viewer by either time or distance. This remains a controversial field of study. While over 30 years of data has been gathered with statistically significant results frequently occurring under laboratory conditions, skeptics are not convinced that RV is a useful pursuit. If you’d like, go check out my channel and give me a feedback. If you like what you see subscribe to get new video updates! If you what to share your experience or you have any other suggestions and ideas, please comment below! Do the things you love the most, follow your heart, your passions, and your dreams! Enjoy the music! Music and video licensed to Quantum Era Gate Music License Certificate Video License Photo : license The use of headphones is recommended: When using headphones (earphones) you will enjoy rich, balanced and full sound quality. Without them the effect of the waves dissolves in the space of the room and cannot directly affect the body. #quantumeragate , #hemisync ,#brainwaves
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