Steve McQueen | Sunshine State | Interview

STEVE MCQUEEN Sunshine State 31 MARCH - 31 JULY 2022 Curated by Vicente Todolí Exhibition organized by Pirelli HangarBicocca, Milan, in collaboration with Tate Modern, London Turner Prize winning artist and Oscar winning filmmaker Steve McQueen (London, 1969; lives and works in London and Amsterdam) has created some of the most significant works of moving image in the last 30 years. Taking a radical look at the human condition, its dramas and fragility, McQueen’s touching and thought-provoking work asks important questions about urgent issues, such as the construction of identity, belonging, and the right to freedom. “Sunshine State” presents an immersive experience of Steve McQueen’s unique visual language. The six film works and one sculpture in the exhibition are among the most important of the artist’s career, representing free narrative models and unexpected points of view on wide-ranging, intersectional aspects of historical and contemporary social contexts. For Pirell
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