81 Killed In Train Wreck (1951)

New Jersey, United States of America (USA). LV. Train wreckage at night. LV. People around wreckage. MV. Men working among carriages. SV. Men on top of carriages looking for injured. CU. Carriage wheels off rail, pan along coaches. SV. Carriage wheels hanging over rail and broken sleepers. SV. Bottom of overturned coach. SV. Wrecked tender. SV. Wrecked engine lying on side. CU. Number of engine. LV. Injured being brought from train. SV. & LV. Injured person being brought from train. LV. Men working on wrecked carriages with oxyacetylene cutters. MV. Men working on top of overturned carriage. SV. Injured person being slid down ladder. LV. Ladders propped against train. LV. Injured person being brought away from base of ladder. SV. Injured person on stretcher being slid down ladder. SV. Wheels of train overhanging track. SV. Man looking into twisted wreckage of carriage. LV. Crowd around twisted coach. SV. Ambulance man drinking coffee from Salvation Army mobile canteen. GV. People around wreckage at night.
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