Let’s Sing! SCP SONG - The End is Nigh (sung by Lyrahel)

Welcome back! It is I! Lyrahel! Since today is “The end of the World“ I thought I’ll give you a special treat for the holidays! I wanted to contribute something special for the developers and the community of this wonderful game and I hope you and they will be pleased. Be sure to tell me what you think about it and leave a comment or a thumbs up if you enjoyed this video and especially the song itself. You want to listen to this song on your MP3 Player? Here is the download link: - The End is Be sure to check out the SCP Containment Breach Community: Lyrics: I once lived my life as a d class personnel and i can assure you it was a living hell supernatural objects and creatures were contained and inmates used to test their strength but one certain day those creatures broke free trying to kill everyone on sight
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