The Worldwide Peace Movement (Panel 3) — A New Security & Development Architecture for Peace

Panel 3 of a two day conference of the Schiller Institute The Peace Movement Worldwide Above Party Lines. The Special Case of the United States. The Role of the Vatican and the Global South. MODERATOR: Claudio Celani Harley Schlanger, Vice Chairman of the Board of directors, Schiller Institute, USA: “Kennedy’s Vision of Peace”; H. E. M. Donald Ramotar, former president of Guyana (2011-2015), Former Member of Parliament (1992-2011) and General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), trade- unionist:“The World’s People Must Make Their Voices Heard”; Diane Sare, Candidate for US Senate, USA:“Make the US a Force for the Good”; Hussein Askary, Vice-president BRIX Instittut, Soutwest Asia Coordinator Schiller Institute, Sweden:“The Revolutionary Changes in Southwest Asia”; Alessia Ruggeri, Trade Unionist, Member of the International Coalition for Peace, Italy “Italy and the War: an Important Referendum to Stop Sending Weapons to Ukraine”; Jens Jørgen Nielsen, historian, author, former Moscow correspondent of the Danish newspaper Politiken, representative of the Russian-Danish Dialogue, Denmark: “The Lack of Strategy by the Western Countries to avoid Nuclear War”. #newparadigm #worldwar3 #ukrainewar
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