YOU are the reason I am here yes, YOU !!!

My life is an illusion. I am merely a character in my own dream. YOU are the reason I am here. I remain in this saha dreamscape so that YOU may learn of my Shinjin, and desire to receive Amida’s gift of Shinjin for yourself. This saha world unravels into insanity and self-destruction. Although I find it to be fear-provoking, I merely feel detachment (for the most part). Like a person viewing a movie, I get the distinct impression that none of this saha world qualifies as “real“. “Real“, to me, is saying Nembutsu and looking forward to my upcoming Birth in Amida’s Pure Land. So my heart’s desire is that ALL SENTIENT BEINGS will encounter my message of receiving Shinjin and desire Shinjin themselves. Therefore, YOU (whoever you are) are ultimately the reason I am here. Namo Amida Bu 🙏
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