Muzaffarabad-Mansehra-AJK CPEC 4 Lanes Expressway Link

Pakistan motorway project of Muzaffarabad Mansehra AJK CPEC 4lanes expressway link. Roads play an important role in economic development, building quality roads increases connectivity and trade opportunities between rural and urban areas. The project of Mansehra, Muzaffarabad, Mirpur Expressway under the China Pakistan Economic Corridor is very important, the completion of which will not only increase the communication links between Azad Kashmir and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, but this highway will connect many areas of Azad Kashmir, especially the southern districts. will be connected to capital city Muzaffarabad through the shortest distance. While the districts of Muzaffarabad, Hattian and Neelam will get substantial benefits from the construction of this highway, the people of the southern districts of Mirpur, Bhimbar, Kotli and Sidhnuti will get modern communication facilities and economic benefits. -------------- ✹ Please Subscribe our channel for more videos: ▶
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