ep35 - Sailing Portsmouth NH to Gloucester & Cape Cod MA - Hallberg-Rassy 54 Cloudy Bay - Aug 2018
s/v Cloudy Bay (Hallberg-Rassy 54) continues the sailing adventure southwards. In this video we are sailing Cloudy Bay from Portland ME to Portsmouth NH, where we have an overnight. We visit Portsmouth briefly in the evening - it is a very beautiful town and we wished we had time to see more of it. But the threatening weather forecast pushes us to move on.
So the next morning we start sailing Massachusetts coast via Cape Ann, and we stop for shelter in Gloucester, where we spend 3 days. We enjoy visiting the town, and here we also make new friends, Brittany and Larry, who invite us at their home for dinner. We then continue sailing Massachusetts through Cape Cod Canal, have an overnight stop in Onset and then a very short stop in Mattapoiset. 16-21 August 2018
To better understand the story line of this sailing video, we invite you to read through the daily articles on our sailing blog:
Day 1 - Portland ME to Portsmouth NH:
Day 2 - Portsm
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