【Learning Chinese Instruments With Zide】Lesson 3: Guzheng【和自得琴社一起學民樂】第三集:古箏

“An ancient tune came from Qinzheng, which is charming and beautiful“. Guzheng is quite popular with the public because of its beautiful timbre, and it can easily make you sigh “How wonderful“. In addition to having beautiful timbre and easy to learn, guzheng has a variety of styles, such as the Shaanxi zheng school which is known as the authentic sound of the Qin region, the Chaozhou and Hakka zheng school with “Yiyin Sanyun“(letting the lingering sound effects),and the Zhejiang zheng School, which is known as the classical rhyme of Wulin, etc., are you very curious? Then let’s start the guzheng learning journey with teacher Yu Chenyao! 「秦箏吐絕調,玉柱揚清曲。」古箏因其美妙動聽的音色而頗得大眾的喜愛,隨手一撥就能讓你發出「真好聽啊」之感嘆。古箏除了優美動聽、好上手之外,其傳承流派也非常多樣,像有「真秦之聲」的陜西箏派、「一音三韻」的潮州箏派以及客家箏派、有「武林遺韻」之稱的浙江箏派等等,是不是非常好奇?那就一起跟隨青春講師俞辰瑤開啟古箏學習之旅吧! 青春講師第三集 古箏 藝術總監:唐彬 主講人:俞辰瑤 參演:陳曦、余潔 導演:唐彬/邱詩浩 攝影:袁洪亮 剪輯:劉有友 後期:邱詩浩 場記:金牡平 錄音:吳文雋 顧俊傑 混音/擬音:吳文雋 平面設計/三維動畫:魏薇 平面攝影:黃佳裕 化妝:劉蕊 服裝:王俊涵 統籌:白無瑕 余潔 拍攝助理:遊家寧 英文翻譯:佟晶凝 出品:自得琴社 #中國樂器 #guzheng #自得琴社 #传统文化 #古筝 #民樂
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