India-Russia Strategic Partnership: Ready for an Upgrade?

Indo-Russian relations, while remaining generally friendly, have long been stagnating. The material base that traditionally supports them—arms sales and a few other state-supported projects—has not expanded for decades. Much has been said by both governments about the need to give Indo-Russia ties a new impetus, yet more can be achieved. It is evident, however, that a stronger and more comprehensive relationship with India would help Russia to maintain its equilibrium in Greater Eurasia, including vis-à-vis China. India, too, would clearly benefit from more productive and secure links to Russia. Is there a way to upgrade Indo-Russian economic and technological ties and make geopolitical and security interaction more effective, while not upending India’s connections with the United States, and Russia’s with China? To help elucidate those issues and suggest creative and innovative solutions, we have invited several leading experts from both countries to engage in an online dialogue. We would be deli
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