On the first day of the month in which the União do Vegetal celebrates the centennial of the birth of Mestre José Gabriel da Costa (to be commemorated on this upcoming February 10th), the UDV Blog published the video A Corda do Meu Coração {The Cord of My Heart}. Starting at his birth, the piece addresses the importance of the creator of the UDV, and brings testimonials from Mestre Gabriel’s companion, Mestre Pequenina; and his children Getúlio, Jair, Jandira and Carmiro; from his brother Antônio Gabriel and the Mestres Braga and Roberto Evangelista. In closing, the video also presents an oratory from Mestre Gabriel.
The video was produced in 2018 by the Department of Memory and Communication (DMC) of the 3rd Region of the Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal.