Grasslands. // #EnglishLearners

Grasslands Grasslands are dusty plains that are too dry for many plants to grow. There are grasslands in many parts of the world. Grassland trees Few trees grow in grasslands because the soil is too sandy. Baobab trees survive by storing water in their huge trunks. The trunks shrink as the water is used up. African grasslands Many different animals live in grasslands, where they graze on the grass. In an African grassland, large herbs of zebras roam the plains, together with impalas, wildebeest, elephants, and giraffes. Grassland animals travel long distances to drink at a waterhole. The prairies In North America, grasslands are called prairies. Large parts of the prairies have been turned into fields where farmers grow wheat and other crops. Animal scavengers Some grassland animals, such as vultures, are scavengers. They soar above the ground looking for a dead animal. Then they swoop down to feed on the scraps. Tough plants, such as grasses and thorny trees, can grow in the grasslands. Impalas are hunted by animals such as cheetahs and jackals. The pampas The grasslands of South America are called pampas. They are home to some unusual animals, such as giant anteaters, vizcachas (burrowing rodents), and rheas (flightless birds).
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