медитация, анти-страх Root Chakra Cosmic Energy, Let Go of Fear, Anxiety, Worries, Chakra Healing, Meditation Music

There is an essential relationship between the cosmos and human beings. Cosmic movements directly affect us. Meditation on chakras gives us the ability to control the effects of cosmic energies on our being. Muladhara, earth or root chakra. Its name means “base support”. Its energy is associated with the adrenal glands, and is responsible for the health of feet, legs, anus, rectum, coccyx and large intestine. When it is in balance we feel safe, happy and capable of living in the present, enthusiastic in planning our future. When the first chakra is blocked we can feel apathetic, lost, disheartened, and lacking in self-confidence. We feel excessive worry and fear of losing what gives us security and a sense of well-being. Our body suffers by making us tired and exhausted, we have problems with teeth, kidneys and joints. It is possible that a blockade manifests itself in excesses of aggression, rage, jealousy, anger, violence or a defensive attitude. Namaste Activate notifications so you can stay up t
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