Saudi Arabia now! Heaven’s punishment! Worst floods and storms in Mecca

МЕККА News about natural disasters every day. Disaster November 6-8. Live news about bad weather. The pain of the Earth will cleanse the Planet of humanity. The world in one day about harsh nature. Disaster is here and now. Global warming is approaching. Mecca, one of Islam’s holiest cities, is facing the wrath of nature as fierce storms hit the area, causing 70,000 pilgrims to scatter. Thunder broke out, accompanied by brilliant light in the sky, awakening fragile rays of hope in everyone’s hearts. This is the time when everyone in the city must be vigilant and united. The roads have turned into rushing rivers. Hundreds of people were trapped in their homes, losing all contact with the outside world. The water in some places has risen to a height of several meters, turning Mecca into a flooded, isolated and powerless metropolis where people face terrifying risks. The channel lists natural disasters such as: 1) geological incidents: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, mudslides, la
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