Официальный Клип от NEFFEX - NO FILTER 🔥🔥🤘🤘🔥🔥

► Alternative Title: Anime Mix [AMV] NEFFEX - Grateful [AMV / AMV Mix] 「AMV」 amv / anime mix amv / anime mix / anime amv / amv anime / amv mix / 「AMV」 / [ AMV - Mix ] Anime Mix / 「AMV」 - Mix AMV / AMV - 「Anime MV」 / AMV - 「Anime MV」 Anime Mix「AMV」~ Whatever It Takes ► Music: NEFFEX - No Filter 🗣 [Copyright Free] ► Anime: GIVEN BAND SESSION SAKAMICHI NO APOLLON BECK DETROIT METAL CITY K-ON!! ► What is AMV ❓ AMV is a music video, edited for a song, (sufficiently) using footage from many anime video mixes. My goal is to bring another way to enjoy animation/anime and inspire people throu...gh this way. By making videos that match the lyrics, the rhythm, the overall vibe of the music that I put into the channel. I hope my content inspires you all and I hope you all enjoy it. ► Also watch the previous video:
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