Большая партия подставок и сырных досок - хобби, превратившееся в бизнес Аляска

Large production run of handmade 216 coasters and 37 cheese boards in my tiny shop here in Alaska. Here I show the whole process of making a large batch of product with some teaser footage of things to come. Sorry its been so long! I promise I have been working my butt off to make big things happen. A lot more content in the future. I also have included plenty of woodworking tips and tricks, how to, and details on how I make these boards and coasters from start to finish. Website: I kindly ask if you are going to copy my designs that they are for personal use only. Plenty of tips here on how you can come up with your own style of designs. At the request of a few amazing people I have set up donation links for those who want to take another step in supporting me and this channel. DeVo’s WoodCraft page:
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