8 strings guitar - Ibanez RGA8 math metal song polymeter original composition

This is the first song I make with an 8 string guitar, Ibanez RGA8. The guitar is all downtuned one step (E A D G C F A D) it’s some math metal with a lot of polymeter, not very tecnical this one, more rhytmic. The solo was an improvisation This is also the first video I make with Adobe Premier (CS4) and i had problems rendering as you can see but i kinda like this stop motion effect so I left the video like this. Peavey VK100 head cabinet recorded with my M-audio Fasttrack Pro (USB) and Shure c606 dynamic microphone I also used a BOSS CH-1 Superchorus for all parts, and Ibanez Pan Delay dpl10 for the solo, and a BOSS BF-2 Flanger for some filling riff. The wha was comuter made (I have a Dunlop Crybaby) strongly influenes by Meshuggah,
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