So I started this vid like two weeks ago to a vid by Drankini, but for the life of me I can’t figure out what the song is so I just stole the audio. I honestly used to watch this when I was younger, because my older sister was obsessed with it, and I recently started watching it again, and I honestly forgot how awesome they were.
Susan’s just a brunette goof, Gabrielle is the sexy one who slaps everybody, Bree is fiery redhead with a temper, Lynette is the blonde housewife who can throw down in a heartbeat
4 months ago 01:39:36 5
❌Отчаянная домохозяйка [2010] комедия │Wild Bunch │Canal+ │ Mandarin Films
5 months ago 00:00:39 1
Дети Габи и сервант Отчаянные домохозяйки #отчаянныедомохозяйки #фильм #сериал #sorts #шортс #мем
5 months ago 00:00:47 1
СМОГЛА ОБХЕТРИТЬ МУЖА Отчаянные домохозяйки #отчаянныедомохозяйки #фильмы #sorts #кино