How to make an artificial tree. Bonsai own hands

See how to make an artificial tree with your own hands for the interior. Bonsai own can make everyone. The tree was 70 cm high. A tree will adorn your house or it will be a great gift. To make a tree with your own hands, you will need: • Soft wire; • Gypsum bandage; • Gypsum or alabaster; • Construction putty “Finish“; • PVA glue; • Hot glue; • Acrylic paints; • Acrylic lacquer; • Stones; • Artificial grass; • Deep plate; • Artificial leaves. Watch the video to the end and you’ll learn how to make a tree with your own hands. Look at what we did for the decoration of the house: Golden Topiary: Chic home decor: A simple decoration idea from twigs: A simple decor idea: Table fountain or decorative waterfall: Subscribe to our channel Master Sergeich: http:/
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