Happy Easter from Reese! Listen to Reese Oliveira and primary friends sing, “I Know That My Savior Loves Me“ arranged by Masa Fukuda of One Voice Children’s Choir. (Composed by Tami Creamer and Derena Bell)
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Story behind this video:
Hello everyone! Thank you for stopping by and watching this video today. I am Reese’s mom, Suzy.
I was deeply moved the first time I heard this song, “I Know That My Savior Loves Me.“ I knew immediately that Reese and I needed to make a music video o
...f this song.
I reached out to the songwriter, Tami Creamer, in late 2016 to get her permission for our video. Although she readily gave her permission, I hesitated on the project due to lack of funding and the time commitment necessary to execute a project of this size.
A little over two weeks ago, I had many promptings to bring this video to life. After talking to Masa (arranger) and Tami (composer), we finally put the wheels in motion to create this video. Everyone pitched went door-to-door selling artwork to help raise the funds necessary for the audio production and costumes. My husband sacrificed our family time during spring break so I could figure out the wardrobe and scout out locations.
Within a week, Masa had arranged the song. We brought in a few One Voice Children’s Choir children to help with the audio recording. Masa created and taught the harmonies “on the spot“ in the recording studio. It was marvelous to see his inspiration at work, and to see the children follow along.
David Smith, our amazing actor who portrayed Jesus for us in “Gethsemane,“ came back to help us during an early morning. Additionally, the amazing Sorensen family agreed to have all of their beautiful daughters: Kasia, Kindia, Leilia and Daisy; each of them adopted from around the globe, featured as the girls surrounding Jesus. (The boys featured are Reese’s brothers, Carson and Weston.)
Given the fact that we had a very small window to create the video, our only day to film with the choir children was on Monday, April 10. Two days before video recording, Utah County was hit with a snow storm! I asked everyone involved in the video to please pray for sunshine. The heavens were opened and it was a glorious, beautiful day.
I hope this song and video will touch your heart. There have been times in my life where I have felt lost, confused, and scared. When I hear this song, my heart feels hope. Hope of our Savior and all of His promises.
Thank you for supporting our video!
A long time ago in a beautiful place,
Children were gathered ’round Jesus.
He blessed and taught as they felt of His love.
Each saw the tears on His face.
The love that He felt for His little ones
I know He feels for me.
I did not touch Him or sit on His knee,
Yet, Jesus is real to me.
I know He lives!
I will follow faithfully.
My heart I give to Him.
I know that my Savior loves me.
Now I am here in a beautiful place,
Learning the teachings of Jesus.
Parents and teachers will help guide the way,
Lighting my path ev’ry day.
Wrapped in the arms of my Savior’s love,
I feel His gentle touch.
Living each day, I will follow His way,
Home to my Father above.
A special thank you to the vocal talent:
Lyza Bull
Ben Farnsworth
Lizzie Farnsworth
Sarah Farnsworth
AJ Wankier
The amazing children in the video:
James Affleck
Andres Affleck
Rachel Affleck
Sophie Bandley
Boss Chapman
Kingston Chapman
Gianna Cordero
David Cordero
Benjamin Cordero
Allison Farnsworth
Jaynanne Farnsworth
Ben Farnsworth
Lizzie Farnsworth
Sarah Farnsworth
Rachel Farnsworth
Olivia Gividen
Christy Higginson
Henry Hinckley
Sydney Katz
Austin Katz
Emery Katz
Gracie Lawyer
Carter Lawyer
Emosi Racule
Maile Racule
Viliame Racule
Kainoa Sorensen
Stella Yeritsyan
Thank you to those who purchased artwork to help fund this project:
Julie Brinkerhoff
Paula Crandall
Randy Kinghorn
Terrie Nitta
About Reese Oliveira:
Reese Oliveira and her mom, Suzy, have been creating music videos together since late 2014 after Reese became a member of One Voice Children’s Choir. Her first video, “Glorious,“ was filmed on an iPad and built in iMovie. What started as a “for fun“ project has grown into two channels with over 3 million collective YouTube and Facebook views.
Here on the “Suzy Oliveira“ channel, you will find Reese’s favorite primary and religious songs. Reese’s channel is her cover songs of favorite Disney tunes and popular hits (like “Lost Boy“ and “Get Back Up Again.“)
Reese is 12 years old and is in sixth grade. She is the oldest of five children. Reese loves to sing, dance, and act.Show more