Hymnus Secundus - Hungarian War Song

Enjoy the regular uploads while my vacations last, and please don’t forget the channel afterwards. This is a ballad by Bálint Balassi, or Balassi Bálint in Hungarian, written in the 1500s. It was written in form of a prayer, as Balassi is known as one of the greatest religious poets in the Hungarian language to date. We remember the brave Hungarians who fought to stop the Turkish onslaught. PLEASE no ethic conflicts in my comments section. This is not the early part of the 20th century, the time for ethnic onlaught has passed. We are all Catholics, and if you are not... Why even bother to comment? Lyrics: Az Szentháromságnak, kinek imádkoznak, Kristus, másod személye! Régi vitézeknek, roppant seregeknek győzhetetlen Istene! Tehozzád kiáltok, ki katonád vagyok, vigy, kérlek, vitézségre! Most is vitézeknek te vagy bátor szívek, kik véled
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