Subtitles/CC available. Patreon: An small armada of aliens arrive to earth, stating they are the creators of humanity. They are seeking only to be impressed. “Impress Your Creators“ song by Tub Ring: Be sure to support Tub Ring and their incredible work!! I hope you all enjoy this animated music video! I had storyboarded this originally in 2019 and held it off for a while. However this has finally been completed and initially premiered at the Newgrounds Australia event! The name of the glasses guy is Mark, and I’m sure some have noticed that he looks similar to NOX from @JamesLee , which was absolutely the original intention! Consider it a tribute to his works that inspired my art for several years. Check out his works if you haven’t already! Be rest assured that Mark has a well paid off holiday after the events of this video. Twitter Shop Newgrounds Site Programs used: Toon Boom Harmony - Animation After Effects - Compositing Clip Studio - Art assets Premiere - Editing
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