Simple Self Introduction | English Speaking | #englishspeaking #IntroducingMyself #kids #自我介紹

How would you introduce yourself? 你會怎樣介紹你自己? Let’s watch the following videos. Listen to sakura’s self introduction in Japanese. 一起看看來自日本的Sakura是如何用日文介紹自己: 👉 (Sakura’s Self Introduction in Japanese | Japanese Speaking | #japan #IntroducingMyself #kids #自我介紹) Here are two more shorts about self introduction. 以下是另外兩部自我介紹的短片: 👉 👉 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please SUBSCRIBE to our channel, LIKE, and SHARE to encourage us to share more useful and interesting knowledge. 請訂閱我們的頻道、點讚、分享,鼓勵我們分享更多有用又有趣的知識。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to watch our videos 歡迎觀看我們所創作的的其他影片 1)Basic Conversation 會話 2) Grammar 語法 3)English Speaking 4)Funny Jokes 笑話 5)Vocabulary 詞彙 6)English Idioms 英語成語 7)Revision Exercise 重温練習 8)Fun Games 趣遊戲味 9) Tongue Twister 繞口令 10)Writing a composition 作文
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