Nakamichi RX 505 (contains audio recorded from device!)

What’s the point of an online review (or any review for that matter) if you cant actually hear what the device sounds like? In this review the audio you will hear is from the Nakamichi RX-505 itself, not from the camera microphone. I did this so curious people would be able to hear the amazing capabilities of this deck. Remember that 480p also gives higher audio quality!! As the video shows, I’m using a standard normal bias cassette that I picked up from the local 99 cent store. By using Dolby C and adjusting the bais a little bit, the sound off of the cassette is almost identical to the original recording (including background hiss). I can hardly wait until I get my hands on some high bias cassettes! As far as my thoughts go on the deck, I have nothing bad to say about it. I picked this up at the thrift store for an amazingly low $5 and was absolutely stunned when I tried it out. The clarity and sound of this thing far surpassed even my highest expectations; I had been
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