Digging Science Episode 02 | The word Fulgurite comes to us from the latin word Fulgur meaning lightning and -ite meaning stone. These lightning stones are the preserved path of lightning as it traveled through ancient sand dunes, over 5 million years ago! Fulgurite forming would have taken an immense amount of energy discussed near the end of the video. Fulgurite glass isn’t an actual fossil as fulgurites weren’t ever living organisms, but just like a fossil they preserve evidence of an event that happened millions of years ago which is why I often refer to them as fossil lightning strikes. Fulgurite hunting is one of my favorite forms of crystal hunting and crystal collecting for a variety of reasons. First, they are Florida’s most unique rock by far, being our only igneous and metamorphic rock and the only rock that is all three rock types. Second, there is nothing more childlike than exploring these sand mines. It’s basically a giant sand box full of treasure to collect. Catching lightning in a bottle is definitely becoming one of our favorite past times here at Digging Science.
Through exploring, Fossil hunting, and artifact hunting, we can make a physical connection to the history around us. We are passionate about that connection and want to share it with others. If you value this content, consider supporting us on Patreon so we can help others “dig science.”
We plan on hunting for a diversity of fossils all throughout the US this year with other fossil hunters such as Paleocris, Wildkyle, Everdayimshoveling, Ancient Artworks, Shark Teeth and Fossils and Bone Valley Collections. We hope to find beautiful Megalodon teeth, gems and minerals, great white shark teeth, artifacts, arrowheads, and megafauna creatures like mammoths and mastodons. We will also include videos on how to fossil hunt in Florida and explore discussions on some of our favorite topics in paleontology, archeology, and geology!
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This page chronicles the adventures of myself, @diggingscience, and a small group of fossil enthusiasts. We are education minded individuals with a sense of adventure. I hope to be able to one day this full time while doing educational programs. Creating these informative videos is my way of sharing this passion of fossil hunting and natural treasure hunting with others. Please, like, share, and subscribe so we can continue to create and share these awesome videos with you! Thank you!
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