IELTS Speaking Score 4 Why Test-takers Lose Points!?

Low band 4 interview with tips and strategies to get higher scores. Use the code HIGH9X for a 10% discount on our Premium IELTS videos, MP3 Speaking Part 2 for a free score estimate speaking@ This video explains the cause of getting low scores in fluency, coherence, grammar, lexical resource and pronunciation on the IELTS speaking interview. The Part 1 topic is gardening, and Parts 2 and 3 are about shopping at grocery stores and for food. This candidate performs poorly speaking in short and incomplete sentences and gives little information to clearly answer questions. The video includes a Band 9 sample for Part 2 to practice. This video playlist teaches important strategies for IELTS speaking interviews to score over band 7, and even 9. This video is part of a series that instructs the steps necessary to achieve a high score, between 7 to 9, on the IELTS speaking section questions. These classes will teach you the skills that will help you to be successful, and
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