Owls of Andamans I Birds of Andamans #NatureattheBest

In Andaman Islands, a total of 5 varieties of Owls are present. Here is an attempt to show the captured videos of all the varieties. Hope you will enjoy the video. The detailed description of all the varieties is given below: 1. Andaman Masked-Owl A medium-sized owl with a prominent facial disc. Very similar to the Barn Owl, but the Andaman Masked-Owl is smaller and much browner overall, with darker upperparts and heavily spotted pale brown underparts. Found around forest edges, farms, and habitations. The call is a short but loud dry screech. 2. Andaman Hawk-Owl A compact owl with brownish face and upperparts. Note the bold, rust-colored streaks running down the underparts. The vent is usually white, and the tail has bars running across it. Relatively shy, active outside daylight hours in well-wooded areas. The call is a distinctive low and resonant guttural “kroooo.” 3. Andaman Scops-Owl A small, dark owl with bright yellow eyes and a yellow bill. Note the lack of streaking on
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