“To the Allegiant Ones“ (Russian Royalist Song) — English subs and translation

Russian Republic, 1917 Donate & Support: The “Gromoglas” band, in their usual manner, performs in this video a song based on the poem by the great Russian poet and monarchist Sergej Bekhtejev, written by him in October 1917 for his sisters to console and encourage them with a sincere faith in restoring the greatness of the Russian Empire and returning the Russian Czar to the throne of his ancestors. Subsequently, this poem will be delivered to the royal prisoners in Tobol’sk, and in exile it will become a hope and faith anthem of the Russian monarchist émigrés, who have never lost the c...onviction that sooner or later they will again hear their Russian anthem and bow to their rightful ruler. Portrayed by a simple Russian girl from the one of contemprorary Russian monarchist processions. LYRICS: Не унывай, не падай духомъ: Господь разсѣетъ царство тьмы, И вновь прилежнымъ, чуткимъ слухомъ Нашъ русскій гимнъ услышимъ мы. И снова нашъ Отецъ Державный На прародительскій свой тронъ Взойдётъ, какъ встарь, самодержавный, Сыновъ сзывая на поклонъ. И въ жалкомъ ​рубищѣ​, нагая, Къ стопамъ великаго Царя Падётъ въ слезахъ страна родная, Стыдомъ раскаянья горя! И скажетъ Царь, въ уста лобзая Свою предательницу-дочь: «Я всё простилъ тебѣ, родная, И cамъ пришёлъ тебѣ помочь. Не плачь, забудь былые ковы; Съ тобой я буду до конца Нести твой крестъ, твои оковы И скорбь терноваго вѣнца!»
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