[SUB EN] Basic machine learning pipeline with scikit-learn | Task 1 | Master Course AI4Omics

Github Repository: Presentation of the practical session: Task 1 – Solution and explanations This video presents a practical session of the Master Course Unit “AI for Omics Data Integration” of the University of Grenoble Alps. It is a part of the Master Program “AI4OneHealth”. The objective of this session is to develop practical skills in omics data analysis using machine learning techniques. We use Python programming language and the machine learning framework scikit-learn. The exercises will be present in a format of Jupyter notebooks. This video includes the explanations of the first task that aims to introduce you to a basic machine learning pipeline and to show how to create a simple classifier with scikit-learn. Presented by: Ekaterina Flin, EpiMed group, Institute for Advanced Biosciences (IAB), University of Grenoble Alps (UGA) #machine_learning #scikit_learn #omics Timeline 00:00 Presentation of the Task 1 00:2
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