Live: What do local Tibetans do to celebrate ’Lingka’?

In southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region, “Lingka“ in the local language literally means “garden.“ Having a picnic in Lingka is one of the most celebrated events for Tibetan families from June to September, which they call “do Lingka.“ When the season comes, many local Tibetans move to the suburbs of Lhasa to spend quality time with their family. They bring tents, blankets, homemade barley wine, butter tea, and palatable snacks to the tree-lined woods to enjoy nature. Many entertaining activities are organized, including singing traditional Tibetan songs, dancing, and playing “Sho“ (Tibetan dice). CGTN reporters Li Jianhua and Xie Hongzhou will spend a day with a local Tibetan family to bring viewers Lhasa’s most authentic Tibetan Lingka culture.
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