13 E-Commerce Tutorial (App Router, TypeScript, Deployment, TailwindCSS, Prisma, DaisyUI)

Build and deploy a full-stack e-commerce website with 13.4 and the new app router. This tutorial will walk you through harnessing server actions, managing databases with Prisma, constructing a dynamic website akin to Amazon, and ensuring user security with Next-Auth, MongoDB, and Google login. Enhance user experience with anonymous carts and a stellar UI via TailwindCSS and DaisyUI. Seamlessly deploy on Vercel, optimize page metadata, streamline Prisma requests with React cache, and set up essential developer tools for a smooth coding journey. ⭐️ Code & Resources ⭐️ Starting code: : Favicon: http ... #freeCodeCamp 20231005 K4ziF0MhbLc
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