All Ada’s Deaths in Separate Ways DLC | RE4 Remake

The Separate Ways DLC on the Resident Evil 4 Remake it’s finally here, and Ada Wong showcases all the special deaths animations available in this add on. ► You can support us on our Patreon in the following link: ► Consider joining our membership to be able to vote for future content: #gamersunderworld #residentevilvillage #residentevil #adawong #videogamesdeaths #failcompilation #TGU #thegamersunderworld All Ada’s Deaths in Separate Ways DLC | RE4 Remake バイオハザード エイダ・ウォン 死 ► Remember to subscribe to The Gamers Underworld, we upload a lot of content every single week: Check out some of our playlists: ► Game Over Scenes in Videogames Playlist:
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