X-Files- The Great Unknown (Mulder, Scully, Dogget, Reyes)
(*A special thanks to Mel for turning me onto this group- Other Lives- they are phenomenal!)
This is one of those vids that I do on occasion that has personal meaning, and because of that I am going to leave it up to the viewer to take what interpretation from it you want rather than filling you with mine.
I am uncertain about the future of my XF vidding just now- apparently FOX doesn’t agree with me concerning the value of ’transformative works’ to their franchise, and I had to take down another vid. I spend countless hours on each one I do, and naturally the point is for other fans to be able to watch them so if I get another strike, I may have to reconsider where I apply my creative impulses.
Time will tell and my most heartfelt thanks to all the other fans out there for sharing in this amazing show with me.
FOX, please- I am just a (insert euphemism for *obsessed* here) fan- I Love this show, I buy your stuff, I even named my daughter Dana (for f*#king real, think what u will... ;) I don’t make any profit, only new friends-- so have mercy! 0__o
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