The pervert prince and a brave young protester

Britain is ridden with moronic, servitude loving, tv watching, mind controlled sheep! Yesterday, Sept 12th, 2022. Edinburgh. Three sets of footage from various places. Who decided that this nonce creep should be out-front of her maj’s coffin? BIG MISTAKE. Now may not be the time to flag Andrew’s abuse but neither is it the time to attempt any rehabilitations... Word below credit AN ANGRY VOICE, Facebook - BEGINS - Today the queen’s coffin was paraded along the Royal Mile in Edinburgh, with the pervert prince Andrew at the head of the procession. One brave, solitary protestor dared to object to Andrew’s presence, by shouting “Andrew, you sick old man“ at him at close range. For this display of dissent he was violently assaulted by royalist sycophants in the crowd, while other royal sycophants drowned out his objections to Andrew’s depravity with shouts of “God save the king“. The protester was then dragged away by police and handcuffed, while royalist media quickly began spreading the outright lie that he’d hurled “abuse“ against the funeral procession in general, rather than specific criticism at the pervert prince at the head of it. The protester was interviewed while in handcuffs, and said that the reason he did it was that “powerful men shouldn’t be allowed to commit sexual crimes and get away with it“. If you look at the royalist response on social media, there are three main strands: There’s the outright lying that the protester was hurling “abuse“ at the procession in general, rather than specifically criticising Andrew. Then there’s the gleeful revelling in the violent repression of dissent with comments like “bravo to the crowd and the person who dealt with him“ and “I love the crowd chanting god save the king“. The other main royalist tactic is desperate “now isn’t the time“ tone-policing, as if it’s actually quite right that the death of the monarch should be used as an excuse to rehabilitate the reputation of a pervert like Andrew. When it comes to a pervert prince and a brave young man protesting against they way he bought his way out of facing justice, there are an awful lot of people in Britain who quite openly side with the pervert prince, and support the violent repression of dissent. When we consider how the crowd reacted with violent assault and chanting to drown out the accusations, and how the police mobilised to catch the protester rather than the royalist thugs who assaulted him, and the gleeful royalist reaction to this kind of repression, it becomes quite clear how paedophiles like Jimmy Savile were allowed to get away with their crimes for so long, doesn’t it? - END
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