Black History Month; destroying the myths. No. 3 Only black people had ancestors who were slaves

There is a wholly false idea circulating in both Britain and the United States that only the ancestors of people of African origin were slaves. This mad notion is all but universally believed. In fact, few places have suffered more from slavery and the slave trade than the British Isles and many of the people living there today have distant ancestors who were slaves. Haywood, John (2008) The Great Migrations, London: Quercus Pelteret, David (2001) Slavery in Early Medieval England, Martlesham: Boydell Press Strabo (1923) Geography, Loeb Classical Library Trevellyn, G.M. (1942) A History of England, New York: Longmans Green Williams, Brenda (2006) Ancient Britain, Andover: Jarrold Publishing
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