Need a Miracle? Watch This Video!

Join TJ Malcangi and Jessi Green and expect your miracle! ▶▶Your Journey from Victim to Victor [4-CD Set]: ▶▶Your Journey from Victim to Victor [Digital Download]: It began with a vision of Jesus at the scourging post, where T.J. found his freedom from invisible chains of severe . and panic attacks so paralyzing they cost him his job. At the time he weighed as little as 105 pounds! Faith begins where the will of God is known. And then his schooling began. In Your Journey from Victim to Victor, T.J.’s 4-CD/audio teaching, he lays out the keys needed to break strongholds of wrong thinking and to release healing. That includes an awareness of how entrapment comes by: • Ignorance of the Word of God • Unbelief in what God has said • Not focusing on what God has said • Sustained or subtle demonic torment Change direction by taking command of your mind. T.J. shows you how to cast down des
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