Archaeologists uncover possible evidence of earthquake during Pompeii volcano eruption

The remains of two people who are believed to have been killed by an earthquake that accompanied the AD79 eruption of Mount Vesuvius have been found in the ruins of the ancient Roman city of Pompeii. Subscribe to Guardian News on YouTube ► It is believed the wall of the house they were in collapsed before the arrival of the violent pyroclastic currents that buried the city. Gabriel Zuchtriegel, the director of Pompeii archaeological park, said the discovery brought home even further ’the hell’ of the human dimension of the tragedy. The Guardian publishes independent journalism, made possible by supporters. Contribute to The Guardian today ► Sign up to the Guardian’s free new daily newsletter, First Edition ► Website ► Facebook ► Twitter ► Instagram ► The Guardian on YouTube:  The Guardian ► Guardian Australia ► Guardian Football ► Guardian Sport ► Guardian Live ► #Pompeii #Archaeology #Science #Italy #MountVesuvius
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