FRANCE: Big freeze up (1947)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit French canals frozen over in big freeze up / Ice skaters at Versailles. Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Canals Blocked in the Big French Freeze Up FRANCE: Various locations: EXT CANALS Shots of French canals frozen over in great French freeze up. FRANCE Shots of canals and the Bois de Buologne in Paris completely frozen over by the freeze-up ICE AND ICEBREAKERS Shots of the Bois de Boulogne frozen and icicles hanging from the fountains. Also skating an the canal at Versailles Paris Very good shots of the Bois de Boulogne in the French freeze-up, with long icicles hanging down from the fountains POLAR BEARS Shots of polar bears in French zoo enjoying the French Freeze-up France; Weather; ice-skating Background: French canals frozen over in big freeze up / Ice skaters at Versailles. FILM ID: VLVACLE7NA9N54030SENMQ6AJGNX9 To license this film, visit
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